Friday, February 26, 2010

Why do employers allow people with straight hair at work?

But not people with Afros, Dreadlocks, braids and cornrows. Are they trying to promote european standard of beauty.Why do employers allow people with straight hair at work?
There are lots of rules about hairstyles in the work world. Many, many companies will not allow a man to have hair past his collar, whether straight or braided or purple or whatever. At my job we all have to have our hair tied back, whether male or female (due to moving conveyors).

Hair rules, both written and verbal, are a part of having a job.Why do employers allow people with straight hair at work?
Where are you talking about?

Last time I checked, there were very few places where a ';European standard of beauty';, or how one wears their hair, or what sort of natural hair one has, has ANYTHING to do with whether one gets hired, or is allowed to work! In fact, I believe there's a part of that which would be considered prejudicial, and contrary to Equal Opportunity Employment.

In fact, I know one restaurant where the servers are actually allowed to wear all their weird piercings, and have tattoos that are visible, and all that, which used to be considered, unsafe, unhiegenic, and unattractive.

Oh, wait, no. That place closed down not long after it opened.

That's the thing about dress codes. A lot of times they only allow the middle aged white man's style of dress, so they don't have to change a thing, while everyone else is forced to conform.

The only people who aren't bothered by it are people who already look the part because, as I said, they don't have to change a thing about themselves.

And for the record. I know not every middle aged white man dresses the same. And I know plenty of other races dress the same way in their middle ages. And I know not every middle aged person, regardless of race, dresses the same. I know nothing is 100%. I'm just speaking generally.
This is a western republic and a christian country,,,,in saudi arabia islam is islamic as israel jewish rules,,with judaic standards,just like this is a western predominateley country. Love it or leave. ( I know it`s hard with all the FLOWing wealth here because of our western ideologies)
Same reason why they don't allow mowhawks. It's distracting, and in a professional environment the main thing that people should be paying attention to is you, not your hair.
Exactly what ';That Guy'; said I couldn't have said it any better. It's all a matter of the theme of the business. Like Hot Topic they prefer mohawks and such or Hollister they prefer flip flops and California style clothes etc.
It all depends on how conservative your employer or field is . People with natural hairdos find employment all over the place. If an employer is prejudice your skin color will be more of a factor.
Where do you work? Where do you live? On this planet I see all kinds of strange hairdos on people with gainful employment.

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