Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What the difference between straight hair style and relaxed hair style?

i was looking in my 17 mag %26amp; was looking @ the different styles....

i was kinda confused so helpWhat the difference between straight hair style and relaxed hair style?
relaxed usually means the hair was chemically treated in order to stay straight, can be done with perm solution or chemical relaxer, and is permanant. Straight hair style is done by product and either a blow dry style or is done with a straightener, and is not permenantWhat the difference between straight hair style and relaxed hair style?
well really there isn't much of a difference, but relaxed hair is for people who have course hair which puts chemicals in your hair making your roots straighter and straighting out the new growth. Anyone can rock a straight hair style it's just HOW they rock it...depending on thier hair type
Strait hair is when you straiten it, relaxed style is when you just..... well don't do anything to it and it kinda just is slightly wavy.

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