Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How do I get Straight Hair Without a Straightening Iron?

I want to have straight hair since my hair is VERY curly. My ends are the real problem-- always curling upwards.

I need a quick and effective way to get straight hair without a straightening iron or going to the salon.

Please explain clearly how I can have straight hair, and I don't want to use a straightening/styling cream either.

Is there a way?How do I get Straight Hair Without a Straightening Iron?
You can get your hair chemically straightened at a salon, but that can be pricey. Other than that, all you can really do is blow dry it with a good, round brush. But if your hair is super curly, a straightening iron is really the only thing that works perfectly.

To get rid of your curling ends you could trying using a curling iron and curl them the opposite way...if that makes sense.How do I get Straight Hair Without a Straightening Iron?
i don't think there is a way to get really straight hair without straightening it. you could try using shampoo and conditioner that makes your hair straight. you can also blow out your hair with a blow dryer: thisw won't make it perfectly straight but if you do it a certain way it will make it straighter than it already is. i know you said you don't want to go to a salon but have you considered permenatley straightening it? that could make keeping your kair straight a lot easier.

hope this helps :]

I have wavy hair and the best solution that I have found, unfortunately, is, getting chemical or thermal straightening. It costs about $400 a pop but you only have to get it done every six months and you don't even have to blow dry your hair after washing it... Definitely worth it, in my opinion.
my best friend has realli curly realli frizzy hair. the other week i straightened her hair using a straightner and its still straight :\ soooo .. if u dont want to use a straightner often .. u can starighten it like once a week and then use shampoo and conditioner that helps keep it straight .. and back in the day when i didnt own a straighter .. i used a iron :| u noe the one u use for clothes .. i noe the idea is a little rad .. but i swear it wrked .. and it din even damage mi hair lol actaulli mi chi straighter damged mi hair a lot more then mi mom's iron =] hope this helps ..
A normal clothes iron.

Use that once and your hair should get pin straight.

Have someone else do it for you.

Spread your hair out on a bed and brush it, then have them put it about an inch from your head and slowly pull away.

Make sure your hair isn't wet.

Do that with all your hair on each side and that should work. I do that when my friends are over.

Works amazingly!

Doing it daily isn't good for your hair though.

i have some what the same problem!! My hair is curly too and i don't always wanna use a hair straightener so all i do is use my blow dryer with a special attachment on it!! u can get these hair blowers at like target where ever!! If u stop by at ulta they can help you out more the i can! if u stop by at ulta tell them the problem and ask if they have a hair blower with attachments to straighten it!! hope i helped!! and good luck with that!!

With out using a straightening iron or styling cream makes it very difficult to actually make it straight, but if you want less curl you can try to add a bit of regular lotion to you hair when it is damp. It will make it a bit more straight, but not completely straight.
no just get a permanant straight

at the salon ok its so simple

or get a really good straightening iron

no there is no other way! embrace your curly hair, its unique and makes you, you. be happy with what you have. what if you didnt have any hair? if uve got it, flaunt it
My hair is not as curly as yours, yet what helps is to blow dry over those ends, sleep on it the night before your event, and then do it over. I agree, gels and flat irons just ruin your hair. Try this out, I hope it helps.
i also have really curly hair. it doesn't make it totally straight, but i find using Garnier Fructis's shampoo and conditioner made for straight hair, I think it's orange, makes it less curly. Hope that helped.
you can go to a stylist and they have stuff that will work or you can buy a straighting brush or hot brush or a blow dryer that has a straight tool to go on it a or shampoos somtimes work
I don't know besides straightening shampoo/cream. Maybe try using a paddle brush? Other than that I'd suggest buying a straightening iron, if you are fed up with your curls. You can get good ones for around $40.
i don't think thats possible u could

try using like hairspray or moose or gel??

like pull it straight, or something wih a comb or hands and

spray it.. hold it.. stuff i dn't know but hair sprays a LITTLE messy so haha [:
You can get a straight perm or if your hair is like mine, semi straight, you can use those shampoo/ conditioner that makes your hair extra straight. They work great.
How about cutting the ends? You said it is the problem. Or you can use a roller brush.
go to wal greens %26amp;%26amp; get easy straight!!! My friends mom used it %26amp;%26amp; she has really surly hair it looks great i havent seen her hair curly for a couple years now lol

Hope I helped C=

its not that much $$$ either C;
blow dry your hair using a brush at the same time, you can also style it a little with the blow dryer doin it
They make conditioners that SAY they'll make your hair straightER, but they won't make it totally straight,

Sorry. Your best bet is a flat iron.
there is an old method of pining the hair, almost wrapping it around your head tightly when its wet allowing it to dry that way will help A-LOT!
hahahahahahah without a straight iron, your screwed unless u get it permanantly straightend or something like that then ur ok but theres no other way.. trust me. i have like shakira hair..
straightening shampoo or straightening balm. There's no other answers. Sorry
Pantene Sleek and Shine shampoo and conditioner.

Blow dry your hair, pointing DOWN on the hair.
you can get at home chemical straightener. they rock!

they make your hair thin and straight for a long time!
I don't think there's much else you can do. Sorry.
have a perm call chemical relaxer.
well when u get out of the shower try blow drying ur hair dry thatll get it straiter but really theres nothing else xept use a straitner orrr u can go 2 a salon and get strait hair 4 good =)
you could use a comb
aveda has a prouduct u rub thru your hair called hang straight

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