Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Straight hair?

My hair is straight, but it's naturally a bit wavy. I always try to straighten my hair by blow-drying it, but I only have time at night and when I wake up my hair is all wavy again. I don't like to use straigh-irons because my hair is dry and it will make it frizzier. I've used hair-straightening cream stuff but it never fully straightens my hair. Any suggestions on making my hair straight?Straight hair?
If you are looking for some thing permit then try very mild relaxer. If you go to a salon, it's like 35 dollars. If you are looking to do it at home, then try some thing oil based and make sure that you ask if you are not sure what kind of product is oil based. I use a dab of this product called Summit Liv Cream. If you over use it you can put a little baby powderin your hair to counter act it. Straighten like would do usually. You only need a little.Straight hair?
my hair is the same way i dont know what to do either
Wake up earlier to shower and blow dry it. Don't say you can't. You spend that time at night showering and you could spend it sleeping.
straiten it in the morning, what is so hard about that? or just leave it wavy. you can add gel and scrunch it to malke it curly.
i have the same prob !!jst practice alot, n u will be able to do it real fast in the morning,

i started to do the front of my hair, n put the rest in a pony tail, blow dry the pony tail str8 then clip it up n let the back fall on the clip !! looks cute, n fast to fix!
before you straighten your hair put a frizz serum on and do that after to you hvae to be patient while striaghtening your hair especailly if your starightner is cheap
well this is wat my friend is going through summer ya she has wavy hair but u might want to try the ';dangerously strait'; from herrble estense (i think i spelled that wrong) or ne of the other straiting shampoos and contitioners
The olive oil relaxer keep hair straight for a long time
well leave it as it is and make it wavy
there are chemicals u can put in ur hair. the same kind they use for perms, except u put it in then comb ur hair straight, leave it on for 1/2 hr, wash it out, and it stays straight forever.
I too have same hair type as you and my friend told me of this 'Yuko Straightening' system which does the opposite of a perm, ie - makes it straight! Its brilliant, it costs a bit - not a fortune though and it cuts out blow drying so you can just literally just wash and go!
Tie a head - scarf while sleeping so the effect may still remain. Hope it works, goodluck..
just leave it wavy
well this is an esy question what you should do after u blow dry ur hair at night is to wrap ur entire hair up with bobby pins and put a head scarrf or anything else u can wrap ur entire head with and when you wake up in the morning it will be straight just how u wanna it believe me everytime i go to the salon to get my hair done since my hair is naturally curly before i go to sleep i do this and my hair looks great just how it was when they did it in the beauty salon.

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