Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Straight hair?

Is there a way to keep flatironed hair straight in humid weather? I am in my house and my hair curled up again already. Quick tips please b/c I have to leave in 30 mins. to have my picture takenStraight hair?
well you could try a anti-frizz cream and rub it all over and if you don' t have that at your house use baby oilStraight hair?
I have had problems with this alot lately,

you could use a number of things [all but water and thick gels]

because water of corse will cause it to curl and go back to be unstraightend. But you could use hairspray, it seems to work, dont use alot but remember after you hairspray you cant straighten it again because it will burn your hair. But you could also place hairspray on a comb and run it through your hair. That way you shape it accordingly.
make SURE its COMPLETELY dry. Get a hat, stuff all your hair under it and get out the house.
hair spray! just dont use alot just do like quick sprays on each layer of your hair
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